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Monday, May 27, 2013

Quotes from "Before Sunset" - my fav movie

Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.
Celine: I lived on 11th and Broadway.
Jesse: You see?
Celine: [Celine's song] Let me sing you a waltz / Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts / Let me sing you a waltz / About this one night stand / You were, for me, that night / Everything I always dreamt of in life / But now you're gone / You are far gone / All the way to your island of rain / It was for you just a one night thing / But you were much more to me, just so you know / I don't care what they say / I know what you meant for me that day / I just want another try, I just want another night / Even if it doesn't seem quite right / You meant for me much more than anyone I've met before / One single night with you, little Jesse, is worth a thousand with anybody / I have no bitterness, my sweet / I'll never forget this one night thing / Even tomorrow in other arms, my heart will stay yours until I die / Let me sing you a waltz / Out of nowhere, out of my blues / Let me sing you a waltz / About this lovely one night stand

Jesse: [about his marriage] I feel like I'm running a small nursery with someone I used to date.

Celine: Memories are wonderful things, if you don't have to deal with the past.
Jesse: Life's hard. It's supposed to be. If we didn't suffer, we'd never learn anything.
Celine: It's amazing what perverts we've become in the past nine years.
Jesse: You want to know why I wrote that stupid book?
Celine: Why?
Jesse: So that you might come to a reading in Paris and I could walk up to you and ask, "Where the fuck were you?"
Celine: [laughing] No - you thought I'd be here today?
Jesse: I'm serious. I think I wrote it, in a way, to try to find you.
Celine: Okay, that's - I know that's not true, but that's sweet of you to say.
Jesse: I think it is true.
Jesse: Oh, God, why didn't we exchange phone numbers and stuff? Why didn't we do that?
Celine: Because we were young and stupid.
Jesse: Do you think we still are?
Celine: I guess when you're young, you just believe there'll be many people with whom you'll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times.
Jesse: And you can screw it up, you know, misconnect.
Celine: You can never replace anyone because everyone is made up of such beautiful specific details.
Celine: I was having this awful nightmare that I was 32. And then I woke up and I was 23. So relieved. And then I woke up for real, and I was 32.
Celine: There are so many things I want to do, but I end up doing not much.
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Celine: Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.

Celine: Men go out with me, we break up and then they get married. And later they call me to thank me for teaching them what love is. That I tought them to care and respect women.
Jesse: I think I'm one of those guys.
Celine: I wanna kill them! Why didn't they ask me to marry them? I would've said no, but at least they could have asked.
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Celine: Even being alone it's better than sitting next to your lover and feeling lonely.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kepada Mata

Kaulah matahari malam
yang betah berjaga menemani saya,
menemani kata, sehingga saya
tetap bisa menyala
di remang redup kata.

(Joko Pinurbo)

Sometimes you can move on but you can't let go

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Alfie's 2nd Birthday: Barney Theme!

Nggak terasa Alfie udah 2 tahun, dan mempersiapkan pesta anak adalah sesuatu yang exciting! emang sih katanya ultah anak yang ke 1 dan ke 2 biasanya lebih untuk merayakan si mama bukan si anak hehehe...soalnya si anak jg belum ngerti-ngerti amat sih hehehe... saya bikin pesta sederhana saja di rumah dan tamu-tamunya pun hanya saudara dan teman dekat.

Kali ini bertema Barney! tokoh favorit Alfie. Lumayan susah juga nyari pernak pernik bertema Barney. Ternyata usut punya usut hal ini karena Barney gak masuk China, sehingga barang2 KW-nya susah :D

Setelah hunting kemana-mana akhirnya untuk goodie bag bertema Barney saya isi:
- Tas spunbond Barney
   pesen di http://vantacy-shop.blogspot.com

- DVD "My Party with Barney" yaitu personalized DVD Barney starring Alfie.
Sukaaaaa banget dengan personalized DVD ini karena Alfie bisa main di film Barney! DVD-nya pun bertema    ulang tahun jadi pas banget. Ekspresi muka Alfie di film ini juga lucu banget, pas banget. Semua orang pada bilang lucu n jadi pengen bikin juga. So i reveal tempat bikin DVD ini yaitu: di Mediak Indonesia, Senayan City (lantai paling atas).
Anyway, untuk cover casing DVD dan print di DVD-nya saya bikin ulang dengan nambahin foto Alfie. Adapun untuk duplikasi-nya dibantu oleh:
PT Bunglon Media Cipta
Kompleks Ruko Marinatama, Mangga Dua Blok E16-17
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 2
Telp: 021-6454720, 021-6454721

- Puzzle Barney
Setelah browsing gagal nemu puzzle Barney, akhirnya pas di toko buku di Ambassador nemu! langsung deh cari distributornya supaya dapet "harga spesial", distributor di Indonesia:
PT.Citra Sastra Group
Jl.Raya Semanan no. 50A
Daan Mogot KM 16
Kalideres - Jakarta Barat
Ph. (021) 540 2258, (021) 5405485

- Isi goody bag lainnya diisi oleh Susu Ultra, puding, dan ada coklat Barney n Cookies huruf A dengan tulisan "Alfie" yang dibuat oleh sahabat saya yaitu Poppy Devina (www.asrideli.blogspot.com). Oh iya cookies huruf A ini hadiah dari Poppy lho! (makasih ya pop)

Selain goody bag, saya juga pesan cake ulang tahun bertema Barney ke sahabat saya itu dan puaaaasss banget sama hasilnya. lucu, keren dan enaaakkk...!!! berikut fotonya:

Untuk memeriahkan dekorasi, saya pesan Banner Barney di: http://goodiebuddy.multiply.com/
Puas sama hasilnya walau sempet deg-degan karena pengirimannya mepet sama acara :)

Dekorasi juga tambah seru dengan adanya balon magic (balon yang dibentuk2), anak2 senang deh jadinya.
Balon Magic oleh Alfa Balon (0813-11066442).

Untuk makanan, saya percayakan ke Rabia Catering (021-8464488), enak dan harganya terjangkau.

Alhamdulillah acaranya lancar....thanks untuk semua yang bisa hadir ya...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Service AC

Sepertinya emang dunia semakin hari semakin panas ya... kayanya tidur tanpa AC udah gak mungkin lagi deh....kaya kemaren pas AC di rumah mati aduuhhhh..... semaleman gak bisa tidur... apalagi si baby Alfie :(

Pagi-pagi langsung deh cari2 service AC, eh alhamdulillah nemu yang OK n langsung bs dateng hari itu juga. AC langsung dingin, teknisinya ramah-ramah dan profesional. Kerjanya juga rapi dan bersih....
Alhamdulillah yah... sesuatu banget deh jadinya semalem udah bisa tidur nyenyak lagi.....:)

Well, here it is the link to tempat service AC itu http://www.serviceaconline.com/